SVAN 971 Class 1 Sound Level Meter

Sound Level Meter
SVAN 971

SVAN 971 Class 1 Sound Level Meter is an extremely small instrument with options for 1/1 & 1/3 octave analysis. The instrument brings unprecedented state of the art technology to a SLM of this size while the user interface makes both configuration and measurement easier than ever before. This makes it an ideal choice for many applications including industrial noise hygiene, short term environmental noise, acoustic consultants, technical engineers and general noise measurements.

Technical Specification


Optional extremely simple operational "Start/Stop" mode
Triggered audio recording
Built-in self-vibration monitoring providing information about level of vibration that influences the measurement results
Time history logging
Easily calibrated in the field using an acoustic calibrator.

Included Accessories

SvanPC++ software enabled users to organize data from a number of measurements and create measurement reports in a quicker and more efficient way than ever before